Plenary Panels
Live stream:
Follow the plenary panels live here.
Plenary Panel 1: Climate-related inequalities
Speakers: Prof. Fatima Denton; Prof. Beth Goldblatt.
Moderator: Dr. Julie Fraser.
Wednesday 28th June, 10:30.

Prof. Fatima Denton

Prof. Beth Goldblatt

Dr. Julie Fraser (Moderator)
Plenary Panel 2: Economic inequality and redistribution
Speakers: Prof. Cathi Albertyn; Prof. Joost de Laat; Dr. Maanik Nath
Moderator: Prof. Sophie Robin-Oliver
Thursday 29th June, 12:00.

Prof. Cathi Albertyn

Prof. Joost de Laat

Dr. Maanik Nath

Prof. Sophie Robin-Oliver (moderator)
Plenary Panel 3: Judging inequalities
Speakers: Judge Dr. Emmanuelle Bribosia (Belgian Constitutional Court); Judge Dr. Ivana Jelic (ECtHR); Judge Dr. Sacha Prechal (CJEU).
Moderator: Nozizwe Dube
Wednesday 30th June, 11:30.

Dr. Emmanuelle Bribosia

Dr. Ivana Jelic

Dr. Sacha Prechal

Nozizwe Dube (Moderator)